Son of Houdini
Son of Houdini

SEEKING INVESTORS who, after reading Glasser’s screenplay want to see this enchanting movie get made. Rabbi Aryeh Alpern (See Rabbinic Endorsement) has dubbed SON OF HOUDINI an “anti-antisemitic movie.” Everyone who sees SON OF HOUDINI will feel love for all of the characters in the story, which while universal, is about a group people from 'The Pinch' --the immigrant section of Memphis, Tennessee--who, as Hyman would say, are of "Hebrew extraction."
SON OF HOUDINI is a unique opportunity to invest in an asset class which has proven to be highly profitable when strategically developed, produced and marketed for maximum potential. SON OF HOUDINI, a Coming-of-Age Romantic Comedy written and directed by Barbara Glasser, is being produced by SilverFox Cinema as a SAG (Screen Actors Guild) independent feature film with a professional cast and crew. Based on award-winning author Steve Stern's novella, "Hyman the Magnificent," from A PLAGUE OF DREAMERS (Scribner) with author’s permission.
While motion picture investments are traditionally risky, SON OF HOUDINI is being developed as an American family film with domestic and international appeal, to audience of all ages. Reference to the renown, world-famous “Houdini” in the title assures the film’s instant name recognition.
In SON OF HOUDINI, we bring someone back from the dead, and in the final joyous wedding hora, those people we meet on the “other side” (including Hyman's parents) also take part in the dance, because they, too, are also always with us. A joyous surprise happy ending will leave not a dry eye in the house, insuring major word-of-mouth promotion.
Please note that the majority of the highest-grossing pictures of all time are family films. In addition, SON OF HOUDINI has potential for branding and merchandising that can open the door for even more profit. Finally, SON OF HOUDINI will make strategic use of production incentives, bond and E&O insurance, social media, long-term planning, disciplined budget control, and casting actors with additional marketing potential. It is also possible that investors can benefit from additional tax-write-offs. (Ask your accountant about Section 181 of the tax code for information about 100% tax-write off for investing in feature films)
SON OF HOUDINI is the perfect film for "passion investors" who seek an investment opportunity in the production of a highly entertaining, potentially extremely profitable, independent film without violence, obscenity, nudity, crudity, car chases, or the ingestion of questionable substances.
SON OF HOUDINI will make the world a richer, funnier, more humane place for all of us as we strive to evolve into our best selves. Equally important is to return to our investors their initial investment, and maybe many grand multiples, if the Whimsical Gods of Great Returns smile on our fine product. Our investors will have the excellent satisfaction of knowing that their shekels have enabled the creation of a lasting, joyful, profound work of mass-market art with international distribution appeal, as well as seeing their names acknowledged on screen, seeing themselves in bit parts (if they are so inclined), and unlimited bragging rights. SON OF HOUDINI has timeless classic written all over it, providing an endless revenue stream for generations to come.
SON OF HOUDINI is an artistically strong entertaining motion picture with positive values for the whole family, demonstrating that finding true love may be the greatest trick of all. Budget, Business Plan, and script available upon request. Further details of our offering are available upon request at